All Hail Steve

As you may or may not know, Team BR was formed by a man called Steve Portess. Steve originally began a group called Broughton Community Runners, then developed Team BR almost a year ago, which is an England athletics affiliated club. 

In less than a year the club has gone from strength to strength, gaining increasing numbers of team members, running highly successful events such as Broughton Burn, the Trail Series,Broughton Colour Burn and the Brutaliser series. Steve has developed a programme for team BR members to participate in, with one coached speed/hill session a week, two social runs, and a weekly runners strength session. All with an aim of ensuring we are provided with the opportunity to reach our running goals. 

Steve also promotes competition between other local clubs such as November mileage challenge and the recent double bubble challenge. In addition he organises a couch to 5k programme, 5k to 10k programme and is beginning youth coaching. This is a small selection of the things Steve does for the running community, with countless other things being organised and promoted by him. 

All this is unpaid work and completed by Steve simply because he wants to share the joy of running and help others to achieve their running goals. 

I wanted to write this post because tomorrow Steve is having an operation on his knee which could put him out of action between six weeks to six months. So Steve has tentatively handed over the reigns to a few club members who he has supported to achieve their run leader qualifications. I myself have been lucky enough to be funded by team BR to complete my run leader course and this week lead my first run, which was super scary, but very fun. In total there are five of us (excluding Steve) who are trained to lead runs, and between us we are trying to ensure that all the sessions are covered. 

Steve being out of action has really opened my eyes to the huge commitment that Steve has made to Team BR and what he does for all of us each and every week. Thinking of routes and sessions, turning up in the rain, fog, snow or blistering heat week in, week out and putting our fitness before his own so we can achieve our running goals…Steve does all of this without any complaints. We curse Steve when he’s pushing us on speed reps, we whine when he’s making us do planks and we’re grumpy when he tells us we have one more hill rep to do, but deep down we know he’s doing it to make sure that we are better then the best, that we are all running the best we can. 

Not only this, but Steve has two little boys and a wife and also runs crazy amounts of miles a week himself. I know for sure that even with five of us working together to plug the gap whilst Steve is recovering it won’t be enough. I’m not sure how we got so lucky to have Steve as our coach, but I know that over the next few weeks he will be sorely missed. Looking back over the past year, Team BR has grown immeasurable amounts and it is without doubt down to the sheer determination and commitment of Steve. 

I genuinely had no idea of the amount of work Steve puts in to ensure the success of Team BR and I know that my running would not be what it is if it weren’t for Steve. Not only this, but Steve has created a community of people who support each other both in running and in our personal lives. Steve is clear that all abilities are welcome at Team BR and ensures that all members know that they are valued and an important part of the team. We’re not just a running club, we’re a team and we genuinely care for each other and want each other to do the best we can. Whether you want to get faster, improve your form, or simply make new friends, Steve has created a club which is outstanding. Team BR isn’t like normal running clubs, we’re a family and it’s all because of the dedication of Steve. 

So from everyone at Team BR we wish you a super speedy recovery Steve and would like to whole heartedly thank you for all that you do for us. 

All hail Steve! 

Please note, this post was definitely not approved by Steve to post, so apologies Steve for any embarrassment this causes. Equally apologises to my fellow team mates for sharing the long held secret that we actually appreciate Steve pushing us during speed sessions…..