No Misery in Running

It’s been a while since I typed up a post so I thought it’s about high time I got onto my backside and put the fingers to the plastic….

This year is the year that just. Keeps. Giving. I had my knee op which was a major blow, I finally got over that recovery and started getting running again only to be taken out by another bone injury, this time to a metatarsal – another 6 weeks out. This, coupled with the passing of my mother has left me in a pretty miserable state and it’s times like this when you realise just how much of an anti-depressant running is and, when you can’t do it, how much it affects your mood.

For me running is as much about escaping and the feeling of freedom as it is about fitness and competing with myself. Even going out in the driving rain and coming back absolutely soaked provides just as much release as going out running through the countryside in the sunshine (normally, though, you’re happier to have finished when it’s raining).

On those first few steps on a run you can feel the mind and body are tense and the more you ease into the run you can feel the tension melt away, the mind starts off busy and eventually those thoughts drift away and there’s no thoughts, no tension, just the pure serenity of placing one foot in front of the other. Then, when you finally finish that run, you have a feeling of euphoria, that you can conquer anything.

I’m sure I’m not alone in saying that it’s a feeling that I have become addicted to.

Yesterday, I went for a swim in the local pool. Today, I took my injured arse out to the garage for an hour on the turbo. As I sat there pedalling like a maniac the thought stole over me; “it’s just not running”. I finished my hour on the turbo, that tick in the box was done, but there was no sense of post exercise euphoria, my problems hadn’t disappeared, I was not Zen master and I was still grumpy (or should I say “runpy”?).

I suppose, it’s times like this that I should focus on the things I’m grateful for, good health, a loving family and some great friends….but I just can’t help being in a bloody mardy tantrum because I can’t run!